The graph below shows the Chart of The Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, And China-At A Glance.

Look at the chart. It shows some information about some countries including Bangladesh. Now, describe the chart in your own words.

The chart presents some data regarding the land area, total population, the density of population, birth rate, death rate and populating growth rate of the four countries- Bangladesh, India, Srilanka, and China. The chart shows that China has the largest population which is 1.33 billion. India has the second position having a pollution of 1.15 billion. Bangladesh has the third position with 150 million and Sri Lanka has the lowest with only 20 million. China is also the largest considering land area. Here also India has the second position, Bangladesh has the third position and Sri Lanka has the last position. However, China has the least population growth rate among all. Inland area, Bangladesh is larger than Srilanka but smaller than India and China. The chart shows that among all the four countries Bangladesh has the highest density of population and China has the least. As regards death rate, Bangladesh has more death rate than Sri Lanka but less than China and India. Bangladesh has less growth rate than India, but higher birth rate than Srilanka and China.

The graph below shows the Pie Chart of The Percentage of Types of Transportation Used By Students.

The pie-chart below shows the percentage of types of transportation used by 800 students to come to school now. Write a paragraph describing the chart.

Nowadays transportation plays metal rate from going one place to another place this pie chart shows the percentage of types of transportation used by. 800 students to come to school now. The students use four types of transportation mentioned in the chart. They are car, bus, bicycle. Moreover, 15% come to school walking. It points out that the highest percentage of students comes to school bicycle. So, the bicycle is their main and important transportation. On the other hand, the lowest number of students comes by car means private car. It proves that a few of the students reading in this school are rich.

The graph below shows the Pie-Chart of The Amount of Time That A Person Spends Each Day on Various Activities


The following pie-chart shows the amount of time that Polash spends each day on various activities. Describe the pie-chart in about 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the pie-chart.

From the chart, it is visible that Polash spends most of his time sleeping and it is 30%. He spends the least time eating which is 3%. In the study, he spends 25% which is the second-highest and this implies that he loves to rest and relaxation rather than any other activity. He goes to school and spends 20% time there. In sports and watching TV which can be regarded as his past times, he spends equally 5% and 10% in total. He also says his prayers and spends 4% of his time saying prayers. In other activities, he spends 8%. Overall, Polash passes a routine. A life where his investment of time in different activities is quite reasonable.

The graph below shows the Chart of The Expenses of a Man to Leads His Family

Look at the following chart. It shows the expenses of Mr. Orko to leads his family.

The table provides information about how Mr. Orko leads his family. The table shows that he spends money mainly in six areas Food, Accommodation, Recreation, Health, Education, Savings, others. He spends the highest money on food which is 35%. The second highest is spent on accommodation and it is 20%. Children’s education goes the third high and it is 15%. He spends 10% on others and it is the fourth in the position of his costing. 5% spent both for recreation and health which is the lowest cost. Moreover, he saves 10% and it proves that he is intelligent enough because he thinks about the future.

The graph below shows the choice of profession by differently educated people.

The graph below shows the choice of profession by differently educated people. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

The graph shows the choice of profession by different educated people. According to the graph, more than 60% of educated people choose Govt. job as their career. Business is liked by 25% educated people, farming is chosen by 10% people and only 5% people like intellectual work as their profession. Analyzing the graph, we see that most educated people’s choice is for govt. job. Again, the least number of people like intellectual work as a choice of their professional career. Compared to fanning and intellectual work more people like a business. Thus, we can say that farming is liked by more people than that of intellectual work. Again, business is liked by more people than that of farming. Again, Govt. job is liked by more people than that of business. Therefore, serially from lower to higher these professional careers are intellectual work, farming, business, and Govt. job.


The chart below shows the benefits of girls’ education.


The chart below shows the benefits of girls’ education. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should high-light and summaries the information is given in the chart.

The chart shows the benefits of girl’s education. Educated girls are conscious of their health and nutrition. Their knowledge of nutrition enables them to provide their children with a balanced diet. Thus, they contribute to building a healthy generation. Again, an educated girl is aware of the population explosion of a country. Naturally, an educated woman will not take more children. Thus, an educated woman helps the nation to control the population. Again, an educated woman is capable of doing more productive work. She can apply her knowledge and talent in every aspect of her life. Like educated men, they can join the workforce outside the home. They can be doctors, engineers, high officials in the Govt. and so on. Consequently, they themselves can improve their living conditions contributing to the economy of the country. In fact, sustained development efforts can be successful only when both men and women of a country become educated. No nation in today’s world has made enough progress keeping their women illiterate. Thus from the chart, it is clear that girls education contributes a lot to the development of a nation.


The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Polash in attending the classes.

The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Polash in attending the classes. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summaries the information given in the chart.

Abir’s Month Wise Absence from Classes Graph

The graph shows the irregularity of Polash in attending his classes. It shows Polash’s missing the classes from January through October. It shows how many days in a month Polash keeps himself absent from school. At a glance, it is found that Polash’s missing the number of classes vary from one month to another. Thus, in some months his absence is more than the others. If we take an account of his missing days we find this: In January 20 days, in February 22 days, in March 18 days, in April 24 days, in May 24 days, in June 25 days, in July 19 days, in August 26 days, in September 25 days and iii-October 24 days. Now it becomes clear that the highest number of days he remains absent is in the month August and the lowest number of days he remains absent is in the month of March. Therefore, the number of absent days in other months revolves between 19 and 25 days.