The graph below shows ‘’Foreign Money Exchange Rate"

The graph below shows ‘’Foreign Money Exchange Rate in Bangladesh 2015. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the following graph.

The graph shows foreign money exchange rate in Bangladesh 2015. It exchanges US$, EUR, GPB, AU$, GA$ and SAR. Almost the same amount of buying and selling look place through all the currencies. GPB holds the top most position while SAR is the SAR is the lowest. Buying through GPB is 130.69 and selling is 130.79 while SAR is 30.89 and 20.8 respectively. EUR is second in both buying and selling. Bangladesh exchanged 104.82 EUR in buying and 104.76 EUR in selling. Then gradually comes the positions of  US$ CA$ arid AU$ in a descending order. In US$ buying and selling amount is same and that is 78.76. CA$ is 76.55 in buying 8.65 in selling. Now AU$ is 72.06 buying arid 72.60 in selling.


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