The chart shows The Percentage of Travelers in Bangladesh Traveling in Different Transportation Ways Per Day.


The chart shows the percentage of travelers in Bangladesh traveling in different transportation ways per day. Now describe the chart in not more than 150 words.

Nowadays transportation plays a vital role from going one place to another place. This chart shows the percentage of travelers in Bangladesh traveling in different transportation ways per day. The travelers use some types of transportation mentioned in the chart. They are land vehicles, train, big launch and steamer, bicycle and others boats and trailer. 75% of the travelers use land vehicles. 10% use train, 8% use big launch and steamer, 2% use bicycle and others and 5% use boats and trailer. By analyzing the chart we can say that the highest percentage of travelers travel using land vehicles which are the main transportation of Bangladesh. On the other hand, the lowest number of them uses bicycle and other.

The bar chart shows the numbers of mobile phone users among the people of Bangladesh in different years, Now, write a paragraph analyzing the chart.


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